Teaching your Kitten how to use the Litter Tray

Find out the easiest way to teach your kitten how to use her litter tray by watching our top five tips in this short (and very cute!) video.

Our step-by-step guide to litter tray training

  1. Offer your kitten or cat a clean litter tray away from her food and water.
  2. Keep the litter tray fresh and clean on a daily basis.
  3. Pick up your kitten or cat and place her in the litter tray first thing in the morning, last thing at night and following each meal.
  4. If she looks like she needs the loo, pop your kitten in the litter tray straight away.
  5. Reward successful trips and avoid punishment for any mishaps.

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Looking for kitten insurance?

Bringing home a curious kitten for the first time can be an exciting experience. Your new feline friend will spend their first few weeks finding their feet… but sometimes they can find themselves in a bit of a pickle.

We’ve worked hard to create WalkawayCover, our free kitten insurance that offers your new bundle of fluff four weeks of free cover with a number of great benefits. Our free kitten policy gives you time to breathe while you’re choosing the right level of cover to suit both you and your furry friend.

(Kitten must be between 8 weeks and 1 year old and is subject to a CVS veterinary practice health check. WalkawayCover covers illnesses and accidents instantly.)

Kitten insurance - Find out more about MiPet Cover WalkawayCover

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