
Pet health & happiness

Parasite Control in Pets: Should I Flea and Worm my Pet?

Flea and worming your pets can be overwhelming with so many options, but regular parasite control is important for the health of both your pet and your family. Due to the combination of ingredients in different products, most canine parasite protocols protect against ticks or lungworm, but not both. It is advisable to decide a […]

Should I Neuter my Cat?

Neutering means removing the reproductive organs; this is either the ovaries in females (known as spaying) or the testicles in males (known as castration). Neutering is a routine procedure which does not require overnight hospitalisation, with an average recovery time of 5-10 days. What are the benefits for female cats? • Cats can become pregnant […]

What Vaccinations should my Cat have?

We know that taking our cats for their vaccinations is important, but what diseases are we protecting them against? Pet preventative health care schemes, like The Healthy Pet Club, offer benefits that include your cat’s vaccinations and health checks. These schemes can be a great way to spread the cost and save money at the same […]

What Vaccinations should my Dog have?

We know that taking our dogs for their vaccinations is important, but what diseases are we protecting them against? Pet preventative health care schemes, like The Healthy Pet Club, offer benefits that include your dog’s vaccinations and health checks, so can be a great way to spread the cost and save money at the same […]

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